

Diversified Investment Opportunities

"Insights into the drivers that create value in businesses"

Investment Criteria

NPG Management, Inc. was formed to help its principal and related parties find diversified investment opportunities in private markets. In those circumstances where NPG or its affiliates pursue direct investments in privately held operating businesses, candidates typically meet some or all of the following characteristics:

  • Manufacturing, service or value added distribution businesses focused on industrial, commercial or consumer products and services.
  • Companies with strong positions in niche markets or fragmented industries.
  • Profitable companies with stable or growing cash flows.
  • Experienced management teams or key management personnel willing to stay-on. 
  • Sales in the $5MM to $50MM range and/or enterprise values of $4MM to $25MM; in select circumstances we may consider acquisitions above or below this range.
  • Gross margins and EBITDA margins indicating a high degree of value-add or non-commoditized products/services.
  • EBITDA of $1MM or above. 
  • Located on the East Coast or in the upper quadrant of the Midwest, east of the Mississippi. Particularly favor locations in Northwestern Ohio and Southern Michigan. 

NPG also considers select real estate opportunities, but we avoid most venture backed, start-up or early stage investments. 

Management Approach

At NPG Management, Inc. our goal is to be both an investor and trusted advisor to our portfolio companies. Although we typically do not seek to be involved in the day to day-to-day operations of portfolio companies in which we acquire controlling interests, we expect to collaborate closely with management in establishing appropriate financial controls, making key personnel and capital expenditure decisions, and developing strategic plans and initiatives. Our experience provides us with significant insights into the drivers that create value in smaller to mid-sized businesses. We are well networked and can provide access to a broad set of operational, financing, finance, IT, sales and marketing resources. 

In pursuing control and non-control investments, we place a premium on devising terms that satisfy all parties. It is our philosophy that successful acquisitions and partnerships are built around “wins” for all key constituencies, including the business, its investors, managers, and employees. 

Advantages of working with NPG Management, Inc. include:

  • Open and transparent communication with all parties and a commitment to integrity.
  • A proven record of negotiating, financing and closing acquisitions expeditiously.
  • Competitive prices structured to minimize taxes.
  • A long-term orientation.
  • A preference to retain key management personnel while empowering them to maintain control of operations.
  • Access to financial, operational, and strategic expertise.
  • A willingness to provide on-going incentives to management personnel and/or sellers.
  • A strong commitment to preserving the heritage and identity of the business.
  • Respect for confidentiality. 

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